Web Links

Let us help you find what you need. You can use the Internet to help enhance your kids’ education. We have provided some links for you and your children to check out. Put those curious minds to work with fun resources to practice what you have already been learning in the classroom. Maybe you are looking for something a little less brainy? Check out our Just for Fun links. Or even find a few helpful parenting resources or safety tips. Take some time to browse around. Bookmark your favorite pages, and be sure to surf the web responsibly.

While Yuma Elementary District actively monitors the content of this website, we do not claim any responsibility for content outside this website, otherwise known as “offsite” content. We make every effort to insure that offsite content is appropriate and in good taste, however, we have no control over the constantly changing Internet landscape. If you see something questionable (links to inappropriate websites, foul language, etc.), please email our webmaster, and we will remove that material or link immediately. Also, if you have sites you’d like to suggest that we add, please send us those links for evaluation.